

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where to buy cute Japanese Items

I have been to Japan a bliion times. Considering my dad is asian. But have you always wanted to go? Like, reeeeealllyyy wanted to go? Well I can't pay for your tickets but I know a few great websites to buy authentic items from Japan.

Number 1 is

This Website is by far the best. They sell school uniforms, wacky toys, FOOD!!!!, Bento Boxes, Music, iPod covers, AND MORE. This is one great website. I just made an order and I am excited to get it. I'm not gonna lie the shipping costs can be expensive depending on when you want to receive your things. Mind you it is coming all the way from Japan. The food on the website is very cheap. It's like food from Vending Machines. I AM ACTUALLY VERYYYYY Excited about getting my things. Oh yeah, as I was saying...the shipping and handling can get expensive. If u want it in 3-5 weeks then geat...but I dont...I want it soon. So i had to pay like 12 dollars extra. My items all cots like 15.00 and my end total was 27.00. I was kinda mad about that but all in all I think it will be really be great when my things arrive. :}
 I can't wait to take pics of what I got from JBox and show you guys.


There are no other websites because this website is THEE best of any website on the internet.!!!!.

Check it out!!!