Okay, so I am participating in Kiwiberry1's Video Contest as many of you are. I literally spent all day on this video. The picture above is a picture I took when I was Video Taping what I was saying in the video hahaa. Special thank to Janice Wong (Chaigyaru) [[Chaigyaru.com]] For showing me how to make a bow out of a bandanna and also apparently a bowtie. I woke up at 8 am to start the video and didnt stop until 5 pm. Yeah. It was pretty hard. If I win these lenses they will be my first pairs. I personally think my eyes DESERVE circle lenses. Lol. I mean look at the picture above...I am not even wearing lenses. Imagine those eyes with lenses. Ahhhh Man. Riiight. I look good. Now imagine a cute light colour. Not pink or purple but like a light brown or grey or greeny hazely. Plz Vote and comment on my video on Youtube.
Also I think I forgot to mention but Kiwiberry1 is still shipping to the US. Even after the NY times said it was illegal for pitiful reasons left for another post. Kiwiberry1 is so nice and so perfessional, and by far one of the best companies of circle lenses.
LOOK AT MY EYES! They deserve Circle Lenses! That mee with my eyes kind of open wide. I have big eyeballs. Lmao.
*Well Beginning June 31st (that's the deadline) Kiwiberry1 will let the public vote on their favorite Videos. So Please Vote for mine, The voting ends on August 14.
*Also You can tell me what I can mprove on in this video/
Thanks. Alot. Also Be ready in a week for me to be GIVING AWAY circle lenses. My forst pair and I m giving them to the public!
I promise to make more posts...I ve been lacking a little.